Better pet health through veterinary science


The Australian Companion Animal Health Foundation (ACAHF) works to improve pet health by funding veterinary research. This research helps us to further our knowledge about diseases that are common in companion animals, principally cats and dogs.

Australia has one of the highest rates of pet ownership in the world. In fact, there are more than 24 million pets (companion animals) in Australia - with many households home to more than one pet.

Through donations from veterinarians, companies associated with the pet industry, pet owners, and animal lovers, we proudly support projects which further our scientific knowledge of the cause, treatment, and prevention of clinical diseases common in companion animals.

Funding for this type of research is typically not available from government or university funding bodies, and research is made possible by gifts and donations.

Donate and support better animal health

Our research

The ACAHF funds wide-ranging research for the direct benefit of companion animals. Over the past ten years, we've provided 65 research grants to improve animal health through science.

Funding rounds occur once a year and applications are assessed and ranked by an expert research committee.

Selected research is primarily focused on gaining a better understanding of a disorder, with the aim of improving long term health outcomes and better treatment and prevention options to companion animals.

Research funded by ACAHF involving animals must conform to the very strict welfare guidelines of the Australian Veterinary Association (AVA), the National Health and Medical Research Council, and the Research Committee.

Support animal wellbeing - donate to ACAHF

Donate for better pet health

Any donation, large or small, helps the ACAHF to fund research that furthers our understanding of companion animal disease,  assisting us in providing healthier, happier lives for our pets.

Donations can be made at any time and bequests in memory of a companion animal from an individual or organisation are welcomed.

The ACAHF is registered with Good2Give to allow pre-tax donations to be made via workplace giving, as well as GoFundraise for those wishing to fundraise for the ACAHF.

Memorial cards acknowledging a donation in memory of a pet are available to be mailed to the donor, or as a memorial gift to support a grieving household.

A record of donations is maintained by the Foundation and published in our Annual Report; all gifts and donations to the Foundation are tax-deductible to the donor under the Income Tax Assessment Act.

We invite veterinarians to display our posters at their clinic, or place of work, and to share our digital banners on their social media channels to help publicise our work.